mandag den 30. september 2013

Mon 30 Sep 2013

Warm up: 5 x 60 - 100 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 142.5, 3 x 162.5, 3 x 1 x 182.5 kg.

BB complex
2 snatch grip push press + 2 OH squat
20 - 40 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 kg.

WOD w Benjamin
One athlete working at a time, both athletes running together

42 thrusters @ 50 kg
400 m run
30 pull ups
400 m run
400 m run
42 power clean @ 50 kg
400 m run
30 alternating pistols
400 m run
18 ring dips
400 m run
42 front squat @ 50 kg
400 m run
30 TTB
400 m run
18 diamond push up

Time: 29:21. Nice WOD. But my achilles tendons are pretty sore now. Tendonitis sore.

søndag den 29. september 2013

Sun 29 Sep 2013

Back squat
Warm up: 10 x 20, 5 x 40 - 60 - 80 - 100 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 5 x 125 kg.

EMOTM: power clean + push press
5 mins x 3 PC + 1 PP @ 70 kg
5 mins x 3 PC + 1 PP @ 80 kg
5 mins x 2 PC + 1 PP @ 90 kg

30 min AirDyne for kcal + EMOTM
10 mins: push up ladder (5-6-7-...-14)
10 mins: atomic sit up ladder (5-6-7-...-14)
10 mins: 5 KB swings @ 32 kg

Sat 28 Sep 2013

Rest day.

fredag den 27. september 2013

Fri 27 Sep 2013


Front squat
Warm up: 10 x 20, 7 x 40, 5 x 60 - 80 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 90, 3 x 102.5 - 115 kg.
Bonus: 15 x 72.5 kg.

I think 115 for a triple is a PR.

Chin ups
Attempted BW and 10 kg but felt pain in my right elbow (golfer's elbow, apparently). Tried with strps but it was no good, so I moved on to another pulling exercise.

P rows
Warm up: 10 x 20 - 40 - 60, 2 x 80 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 85, 3 x 95, 1 x 105 kg.
Bonus: 15 x 65 kg.

Bench press
Warm up: 10 x 20, 5 x 40 - 60 - 80 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 95, 3 x 107.5, 1 x 120 - 130 kg.
Bonus: 15 x 80 kg.

Thu 26 Sep 2013

Didn't feel like training so I ran 5k instead. It's tough to run with big, heavy legs but the weather was nice and it felt like a good little bit of fresh air.

mandag den 23. september 2013

Mon 23 Sep 2013

Wendler, the Bear and a WOD

Back squat
Warm up: 10 x 40 - 60, 5 x 50 - 100 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 112.5, 3 x 127.5, 3 x 142.5 kg.

Warm up: 10 x BW, 5 x 10, 3 x 25 kg.
Work sets: 3 x 35 - 42.5 - 50 kg.

1RM Bear Complex
Without dropping or otherwise letting go of the bar, complete:
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 shoulder-to-overhead
1 back squat
1 shoulder-to-overhead

1 x 20 - 40 - 60 - 80 - 100 - 105 - 110 kg.

WOD - Veins' Thruster Ladder
For time complete:
1 thruster 90 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs
3 thruster 80 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs
5 thruster 70 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs
7 thruster 60 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs
9 thruster 50 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs
11 thruster 40 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs
13 thruster 30 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs
15 thruster 20 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs

Time: 14:45. MUs got really hard towards the end, and I got totally gassed.

Great training though, the elite crew are awesome to train with.

Fri 20 - Sun 22 Sep 2013

Rest days.

torsdag den 19. september 2013

Thur 19 Sep 2013


Military press
Warm up: 10 x 20 - 40, 5 x 50 kg.
Work sets: 3 x 60 - 62.5 - 65 kg.
Bonus: 13 x 42.5, 14 x 42.5 kg.

Warm up: 10 x 40, 5 x 60 - 80 - 100 - 120, 3 x 140 kg.
Work sets: 3 x 152.5 - 162.5, 4 x 172.5 kg.

onsdag den 18. september 2013

Wed 18 Sep 2013

Wendler and a WOD w Sebberlicious

Pendlay rows
Warm up: 10 x 20 - 40 - 60, 3 x 80 kg.
Work sets: 3 x 90 - 95, 4 x 100 kg.
Bonus: 15 x 65 kg.

Power clean
Warm up: 5 x 50 - 60 - 70 kg.
Work sets: 3 x 80 - 90, 5 x 100 kg.
Bonus: 1 x 110 - 115 - 122.5 kg (F).

115 kg power clean

122.5 power clean fail

Push press
Warm up: 5 x 50, 3 x 60 kg.
Work sets: 3 x 70 - 80, 5 x 90 kg.
Bonus: 1 x 100 - 107.5 (PR).

107 kg push press (PR by 2.5 kg)

On a running clock, complete:
2000 m row

When the clock hits 10 minutes, complete:
10 MUs
20 burpees
30 DUs
40 ring dips
30 DUs
20 burpees
10 MUs

When the clock hits 20 minutes, complete:
2000 m row

Row 1: 7:03. Maintained a steady pace around 1:45 / 500m which did not gas me very much.
Chipper: 8 MUs in the second round. Had some trouble with a twisted jump rope that cost me around 20 seconds. Tried not to gas and that went quite fine. Just stayed safely ahead of Seb. If I went all out I would have been able to do all 10 MUs with a good margin.
Row 2: 7:22. Maintained a pace around 1:50 / 500m. This was quite miserable though. But I got through it OK.

Tue 17 Sep 2013

Rest day.

mandag den 16. september 2013

Mon 16 Sep 2013

Wendler in the Garage

Front squat
Warm up: 10 x 15, 5 x 35 - 55 - 75 kg.
Work sets: 3 x 95 - 105, 4 x 110 kg.

Bench press
Warm up: 10 x 20, 5 x 60 - 80 kg.
Work sets: 3 x 100 - 107.5, 5 x 112.5 kg.
Bonus drop sets: 12 x 80 + 6 x 60 kg.

søndag den 15. september 2013

Sun 15 Sep 2013

K-team super training buddies session

Warm up
2 + 2 rds Cindy

For time:

3 rounds of
10 hang power cleans @ 70 kg
10 burpees

3 rounds of
8 push jerks @ 70 kg
8 burpees

3 rounds of
6 barbell lunges @ 70 kg
6 burpees

3 rounds of
4 back squats @ 70 kg
4 burpees

3 rounds of
2 overhead squats @ 70 kg
2 burpees

Time: 16:20. Took 1st by 1:14 over Sebastian.

Sat 14 Sep 2013

Rest day.

Fri 13 Sep 2013

Bro session without purpose in Fitness World Bryggen

Bench press
Warm up: 10 x 20 - 40 - 60 - 80 kg.
Work sets: 4 x 10 x 90, 5 x 100, 1 x 110 - 120 - 130 - 140(F).

Warm up: 10 x 20 - 40 - 60 kg.
Work sets: 4 x 10 x 80 kg.

Did some crunches and stuff afterwards. Cool shit. I was totally pumped.

torsdag den 12. september 2013

Thu 12 Sep 2013

Wendler and a WOD

HB Back squat
Warm up: 7 x 20 - 40 - 60, 5 x 80, 3 x 100 kg.
Work sets: 3 x 120 - 127.5, 7 x 135 kg.
Bonus: 2 x 10 x 90 kg.

Military press
Warm up: 5 x 20 - 40, 3 x 50 kg.
Work sets: 3 x 60 - 62.5 - 65 kg.

5 rounds of
2 x 20 m prowler @ +40kg
15 KB high swings @ 32 kg
15 russian twists @ 24 kg
15 pull up

Time: 16:??

Substituted pull ups with push up in the last two rounds because my right hand started to tear.

tirsdag den 10. september 2013

Tue 10 Sep 2013

K-team testing and a WOD

Did a lot of skill and strength tests - passed it all.

10 pull up
15 OH squat @ 65 kg
8 pull up
15 front squat @ 65 kg
6 pull up
15 back squat @ 65 kg
4 pull up
15 jumping squat
2 pull up
15 air squat

Time: 4:56. Quads were pretty smoked afterwards. Would be SO NICE if I ever became able to use my posterior chain for squatting and other exercise related purposes.

mandag den 9. september 2013

Mon 9 Sep 2013

Wendler and 2 workouts
Many thrusters today.

Pendlay rows
Warm up: 10 x BW, 5 x 40 - 60 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 82.5 - 87.5 - 92.5 kg (got a bit messy because of a surprisingly sore under arm muscle)

Warm up: 5 x 80 - 100 - 120 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 142.5 - 152.5 - 162.5 kg.
Bonus: 1 x 170 - 180 - 190 kg (F).
180 was easy. Failing 190 was not the plan but it felt a bit too heavy and I decided to drop it.

5 x 162.5 kg deadlift

1000m row
50 thrusters @ 20 kg
30 pull up

Time: 6:30. Row was exactly 3:30 and I was not exhausted at all from it. Thrusters were 40-10 with a 6-8 second break. If I had gone all out I would not have taken the break but I figured 'what the hell' because my shoulders were getting a bit fried. Did them all Froning-style with suicide grip and a solid break at the top position to ensure full lock out. The pull ups were obviously unbroken.

- rest 10 minutes -

EMOTM 20 mins
Odd: 5 C2B (kipping, not butterfly) + 20 DUs
Even: 3 thrusters @ 60 kg + 20 DUs

Nice little workout that gassed me a little towards the end.

Weekend 7-8 Sep 2013

Rest days.

Family visiting = eating and drinking a lot of shit :)

lørdag den 7. september 2013

Fri 6 Sep 2013

Wendler and cardio

Back squat
Warm up: 5 x 20 - 40 - 60 - 80 - 100 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 112.5 - 120, 9 x 127.5 kg.
Bonus: 2 x 15 x 90 kg.

Chin up
Warm up: 5 x BW - 10 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 20 - 27.5 - 33.5 kg.
Bonus: 10 x BW.

Rack dips
Warm up: 10 x BW, 5 x 10 - 20 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 27.5 - 35 - 42.5 kg.
Bonus: 2 x 20 x BW.

30 min AirDyne for calories, w EMOTM:
1, 4, 7...: 7 pull up
2, 5, 8...: 7 push up
3, 6, 9...: 5 KB high swing @ 32 kg

Result: 520 kcal. Stayed around 350-400 W all the way.

tirsdag den 3. september 2013

Tue 3 Sep 2013

Wendler, some playing around and a WOD

HB back squat
Warm up 10 x 20, 5 x 40 - 60, 3 x 80 - 100 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 112.5 - 120, 7 x 127.5 kg. Could have grinded out 2-3 more, but it wouldn't have been pretty so I stopped there.
Bonus: 10 x 100 kg.

Bench press
Warm up: 10 x 40 - 60, 5 x 80 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 95 - 100, 7 x 107.5 kg.
Bonus: 15 x 70 kg.

Seated sled pull
Warm up: 15 m @ 20 - 40 - 60 - 80 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 15 m @ 100 kg.

Barbell shrugs
Because Jim Wendler said so.
Warm up: 20 x 60 kg.
Work sets: 16 x 100, 20 x 80 kg.

For time, 4 rounds of:
25 KB high swings @ 24 kg
3 rounds Cindy*

*5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats

Time: around 12:30.

Bonus for ze abzzz
3 rounds of:
10 russian twists @ 24 kg
10 ab wheel w barbell

Had to switch to 16 kg in the last round of russian twists, and only did 5 ab wheels in the last round.

mandag den 2. september 2013

Mon 2 Sep 2013

Wendler and interval rowing

I have reset almost all my lifts and have returned to my self made Wendler cycle that includes a 4th wave of 10x10@60%. The 'Boring But Big' routine didn't really mesh well with my training habits - it simply took too long.

For a while now I will try to do 2 lifts and some conditioning every time I am in the Garage, and keep it down to 1.5 hrs in total.

Military press
Wanted to test my shoulder after the accident on Saturday. It did not feel good. Not too much pain, but instability and a feeling like I could not really use my strength properly. Sucks.
Warm up: 10 x 20, 5 x 30 - 40 - 50 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 56 - 60, 4 x 64 kg (failed the last rep. That really says it all.)
Volume: 5 x 10 x 40 kg.

Front squat
Warm up: 5 x 40 - 60 - 80 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 90 - 96 - 102 kg.

Rowing intervals
8 x 500m - 1:30 rest. Drag factor 115.
Kept intervals between 1:39-1:42 all the way. First 250 meters were easy every time, then the acid started building up, but around 400 meters I sort of 'landed' in a place where my breath was in sync with my stroke (30 s/m) which actually felt good (except for feeling miserable, of course).

Sun 1 Sep 2013

Rest day.

Sat 31 Aug 2013

Brosession w Mainz

Top: 85 kg. Sat under 87 twice but I can't stabilize when I hit the bottom, so it ended up 'rolling' forward every time.

Clean and Jerk
Top (full clean): 110 kg.
Top (power clean) 115 kg. Failed first attempt at PC 120 and didn't feel like continuing at jerk had been unstable on all the lifts anyway.

Team WOD w Mainz
Squatting, MUs, stones and running. 25 minutes. Nice WOD but I think I messed up my shoulder pretty bad on a failed MU. Sux.