onsdag den 29. august 2012

25 August 2012

Butcher's Team Classics @ Butcher's Garage, Copenhagen.

Team: Mikkel Zachhau, Mikkel Monsrud and myself.

WOD 1 - Beach WOD.

250 m open water swim.
2k sand run.
100 C2B pull ups
200 HR push ups
400 air squats

The three team members could change as needed on the reps, but all reps of one exercise had to be finished before beginning the next exercise.

Time: 30:33.

Third out of the water, fourth back from run. My team mates were a bit slower so I managed to do 23 C2B before Z came back to join in. Monsrud got back with about 50 left and from there we shared the reps pretty evely. Great feeling to be fast in the water, and coming out without feeling even slightly fatigued.

WOD 2 + 3:

15 mins to establish a 1RM snatch for each team member.

Snatch: 80 kg.

Missed the first attempt but got back on the bar and got it. PR by 2,5 kg. Felt amazing!

Then straight after: 3 x 3 minute clean and jerk amrap.

First man (Z) used 80 kg, second man (me) used 70 kg, and third man (Monsrud) used 60 kg.

Result: 19 reps @ 70 kg.

Repped 5 to start out and the wen don to 2s and 3s. I was farily happy with it although I got three no-reps due to not getting my feet together before dropping the bar.

WOD 4 - triple Fran.

63-45-27 reps of:
Thrusters @ 40 kg
Pull ups

Time cap: 6 mins.

Team members can swap as many times as needed.

By this time we had lost one guy who had to go a wedding, so we were at a disadvantage compared to the other teams. This only fired us up more and we actually got a pretty good result.

Result: full round of 63 + 45 thrusters and 11 pull ups.

Z was strongest in the thrusters and I was strongest in the pull ups.

All in all a fantastic day and it was good to be back in competition.

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