tirsdag den 11. december 2012

10 Dec 2012

High bar back squat heavy 5 + back off
(20, 70, 90) 110, 120, 125 (PR), 130 (PR #2), 115, 115, 115.
Stopped at 130 as it was a heavy and 5 not a 5RM attempt. Stille PR'ed by 10 kg compared to my rather old 5RM (which was low bar BTW). Nice to see that the GVT squatting has payed off.

Good mornings - sets of 10
20, 40, 60, 65, 65, 65.

Weighted chin ups - sets of 5
10, 20, 20, 20x7.

Also tried pressing 60 kg overhead just to feel it. It was painless although a bit heavier than usual. Shoulder will get back in the game, I'm sure.

Got some motivation back aften seeing that my back squat has improved during my injury period. Felt good.

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