fredag den 12. juli 2013

Fri 12 July 2013

Morning: Training in the Church of Pain

OH Squat
Warm up: 10 x 20 - 40 - 50.
Work sets: 10 x 60 - 65 - 70 - 60 - 65 - 70 - 70 - 70 kg.

Went volume-ish on it but didn't have time or mental focus to do 10 sets. I think I ended up doing 8. I think doing high reps on medium weight is pretty good for my position in this movement. But I really felt the difference between being fully focused and only partially focused with 70 kg on the bar. Dropped it twice at 9 reps with 70 because of not getting the setup right.

Evening: Active rest in the Garage

20 min AirDyne @ 200 watts
Actually wanted to go a full hour but my scrotum got anihilated by the ridiculously wide seat, so I had to get off after 20 minutes.

Cardio WOD w Smuksen
15 minute AMRAP of
10 pull up
10 push up
10 atomic sit up
2 x 20 m prowler loaded w 40 kg
Burpee ladder: 2-4-6-8-n adding 2 per round

Result: 6 rounds and pull ups, push ups, atomic sit ups and prowler of round 7.

I was planning on going slow to make it kind of a recovery workout, but obviously the prowler fucked me up. And the burpees got pretty tough towards the end.

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