tirsdag den 16. juli 2013

Tue 16 July 2013

Deload and K-team training

Shoulder press
Warm up: 10 x 20, 5 x 40 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 47.5 - 52.5 - 57.5 kg.

- K-team -

Warm up skill work
5 MUs
6 KB swings @ 40 kg
9 thrusters @ 20 kg
5 m handstand walk

Handstand walk felt pretty well balanced but I still did not get more than 2-3 meters max.

Snatch complex, go for heaviest
3 snatch pulls
3 hang squat snatch
3 snatch balance
1 full snatch

Weight: 20 - 40 - 50 - 55 - 60 kg.

I suck at the snatch so it was good to do a complex that forced some good movements.

For time:
50 kcal AirDyne
40 KB swing @ 24 kg
30 toes-through rings
20 OH squat @ 70 kg

- 1minute break -

20 front squat @ 90 kg

Time: 12:13.

I took it easy on the AD, around 450 watts, and generally aimed at not burning out through the entire workout. KB swings were 25-15, TTR were 10-10-10 (grip was starting to suffer). OH squats were 5-5-5-5 (I think) and fairly heavy. The Front squats were something like 5-4-3-3-3-2. REALLY f***ing heavy. Looked like shit. But I got the best time by about 45 secs anyway :-)

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