lørdag den 20. juli 2013

Sat 20 July 2013

Final day of deloading and 2 WODs

Mobilization of T-spine

Front squat
Warm up: 5 x 20 - 40 - 60 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 70 - 75 - 80 kg.
Bonus: 5s x 5r x 60 kg w 3-5 s. pause in bottom.

WOD w Polle and Kyle
10 min EMOTM
Odd: 5 kipping HSPU @ 10 cm deficit
Even: 3 full cleans @ 100 kg

HSPU were pretty easy, I focused on a strong kip to save my shoulders. Cleans were surprisingly good too, I only lost my upper back on the third rep on the last two sets, and did not do any no-reps. A great way to get a feel for the importance of getting the bar into the throat on the catch.

Classic Veins WOD 'en sole' (as they say in French)
30 mins AirDyne for kcal combined wtih EMOTM reps:
10 mins: 5 thrusters @ 40 kg
10 mins: 5 strict pull up
10 mins: 5-6-7-...-14 atomic sit up ladder

Result: 390 kcal (avg. output around 300 W).

I tried to do the 'Rich Froning Thruster' with suicide grip and a short break at the top. This worked out really well - they were quite easy. Thrusters usually never are for me. Strict pull ups were without chalk and really sweatty hands, so my grip was tested. All unbroken though. Atomics were cool, all unbroken, and the last 3-4 minutes I set a very high pace that I was able to hold all the way.

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