mandag den 3. september 2012

1 September 2012

Beach WOD day + Second day of Ditte Jacobsens WL biased CF training program.

At noon, on the beach
Buddy workout, for time:
Swim 250 m open water
100 push ups
25 burpees
Swim 250 m o.w.
200 air squats
swim 250 m o.w.
3 mins plank
Swim 250 m o.w.

Forgot to time it.

Swimming felt great, managed to keep a good pace and maintained my rythm very well on all three swims.

At 4 pm in the Garage:

Clean & Jerk:
3x3 @ 75 kg
3x3 @ 85 kg

Did these nith good form and no misses. Weak point is still doing the deep clean. Would be way easier to power clean it, but I am trying to improve bottom position and front squat.

Snatch balance - skipped this as my left shoulder was unable to support load still.

Front squat:
5x5 @ 85 kg

Cleaned i fromground before each round. Felt too light, should have gone for 90.

Clean pulls
5x5 @ 125 kg

This was heavy. It was difficult to do the shrug at the top. Had trouble keeping my butt down. It was more like a deadlift than a clean pull, although I tried as hard as I could to keep it 'clean'.

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