onsdag den 5. september 2012

4 September 2012

Competition team training.

Lacee Kovacs ladder
3 man team WOD.

Person A does 1 C&J 60/40kg, 1 Burpee/Pull-up*, 10 Double Unders
Person B does 1 C&J 60/40kg, 1 Burpee/Pull-up*, 10 Double Unders
Person C does 1 C&J 60/40kg, 1 Burpee/Pull-up*, 10 Double Unders
Person A does 2 C&J 60/40kg, 2 Burpee/Pull-up*, 20 Double Unders
Person B does 2 C&J 60/40kg, 2 Burpee/Pull-up*, 20 Double Unders
Person C does 2 C&J 60/40kg, 2 Burpee/Pull-up*, 20 Double Unders
Person A does 3 C&J 60/40kg, 3 Burpee/Pull-up*, 30 Double Unders
Person B does 3 C&J 60/40kg, 3 Burpee/Pull-up*, 30 Double Unders
Person C does 3 C&J 60/40kg, 3 Burpee/Pull-up*, 30 Double Unders
… etc.
* Men: C2B/Women: regular pull-ups

15 minute time cap. Kathrine Garny joined me and Line instead of Per Kyed. We got through the round of 5s and I got in 6 C&Js. Double unders went very well, and so did the other reps. I can definitely go all out in each round due to the rather long break between rounds.

3RM weighted chin up.
10, 20, 30, 35, 40, 45 (f).
I got 2 reps on 45 kg, so if I had not done so many reps before I should be able to get it.

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