mandag den 3. september 2012

3 September 2012

Light day with the competition team

1RM OH press
Failed 65 kg which is 5 below my 1RM due to my left shoulder.

Diane (kind of)
21-15-9 of
Deadlift 100 kg
Toes to bar (substituted HSPU due to my shoulder)

Time: 3:24.

All deadlifts unbroken. Did the 21 TTB unbroken. Broke up the 15 into 11 and 4, broke up the 9 into 5 and 4.

Nancy (kind of)
5 rounds of
15 OH squats @40 kg
400 m run

Break between rounds equal to the time yourpartner took to do one round.

Did not time it. Running felt great, obviously. OH squats were fast and only tough on the quads. Doing it in running shoes made me a bit unstable, but at this weight it didn't matter.

Good day, but I really need to do some HEAVY lifting soon.

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