mandag den 24. september 2012

22nd September 2012

Fit as Fuck Challenge in Valby, Copenhagen

Went with a 3-man team consisting of myself, Per Kyed and Line Risberg.

WOD 1 - 3x3 min amrap.
Three stations of 3 min amrap of one movement. One team member started at each station and there was a one minute rotation between each round.

1st amrap: KB thrusters w two 24 kg KBs = 27 reps.
2nd amrap: KB snatches w 24 kg = 65 reps.
3rd amrap: 20m prowler push (20m = 1 rep) = 16 rounds.

We placed 40th in this event (24th and 25th on snatches and prowler, but 71st on thrusters), which was ok. It's the classic result for a team that needs more basic strength, seing as the thrusters were the heaviest. I was disappointed with my result on the thrusters, felt like I should have gotten at least 30+. My shoulders and hips felt like chocolate. I had not done my usual 3d-hip matrix warm up and I really felt it, and had not gone rean heavy in the warm up either! Note to self: never cut the warm up short.

WOD 2 - Lacee Kovacs Ladder.
We almost got through the round of 5,5,50, but Per struggled a bit with the DUs, so we finished just 10 DUs shy of completing that round. I was happy about my own effort, only messed up my DUs a couple of times in the first two rounds, the rest were smooth sailing.

Here is a video from the LK Ladder:

After this WOD there was a cut off, and we did nt make it. We finished 45th out of 80 teams, and placed second best out of the four teams from the Garage. I was fairly happy about my own performance, except for the mess-up inthe KB thrusters in WOD 1. I should have warmed up more properly, both hips and shoulders.

Good day, but a shame that the event got so messed up due to the schedule, the scoring and the weather. Definitely did not feel like I had been in competition at the end of the day. Training tomorrow too, then :)

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