lørdag den 8. september 2012

8 September 2012

Strength and FaF prep

Narrow grip bench press 5x5
95, 95, 95, 95, 100 kg.

Easy. Could have done 100 kg all the way.

Pendlay rows 4x10
65, 65, 65, 70.

Weighted chin ups 4x5
20, 25, 25, 25.

2-man Lacee Kovacs Ladder
Person 1 does: 1 C+J @ 60 kg, 1 burpee C2B pull up, 10 DUs.
Person 2 does the same.
Person 1 does: 2 C+J @ 60 kg, 2 burpee C2B pull up, 20 DUs.
Person 2 does the same.

Time cap: 15 mins.

We got to 6 C+J for person 2. My rounds were almost entirely unbroken, only the DUs got broken a couple of times. I did the round of 7 for time afterwards in 2:05, with 5 breaks in the DUs.

Good day. DUs will be the limiting factor for our team in the Lacee Kovacs Ladder.

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