mandag den 1. oktober 2012

1 October 2012

Fatigued day with a PR

Have decided to go back to my old program combined with the Butcher's Comp team fall WL program to fit it to my needs.

Plan today was: Clean and Jerk max attempt, snatch drills, front squat heavy, prowler finisher. Here what I actually did.

Clean and jerk max
5x20, 3x40, 2x60, 2x80, 2x90, 100, 110 (PR by 7,5 kg).
The 100 and 110 was power cleans as my squat clean is weaker than power. Nailed it, and it did not feel too heavy. Quite confident that 115 kg is in there too.

No snatch drills - my shoulder was too sore.

Front squat heavy 5x5 @ 100
20, 40, 60, 80, 4x100.
Lost the 5th of first set of 100 and decided to not do it. Way too much front squatting yesterday and the cleans today did not help either. Lower back was too tired and I generally couldn't find it in there.

Finisher - you-go-I-go with Mainz

4 rounds of
25 m. (Heavy-ish) Tire Flip
25 m. prowler push, +40 kg.
25 m. sled pull anyhow, +25 kg m. "hold-kæft-et-stort-reb"-rebet!

Result: approx. 2 mins per round.

Had no problems here, except for pulling that damn rope. It was very elastic and hard to control. I eat prowler for breakfast these days.

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