lørdag den 13. oktober 2012

12 October 2012

Power clean 5RM + backoff
20, 40, 60, 80, 90, 100, 105, 95, 95.
Happy about this, did 100 for the heavy 5 some time last week although I did not drop a single one this time around.

Heaving snatch balance 5RM + back off
20, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 85, 75, 75.
Felt pretty good, I could feel a huge difference from when I was adequately externally rotated in my shoulders as compared to when I wasn't. 90 Should be possible but my shoulder is still chocolate so I didn't want to completely destroy it.

WOD1 - 3 rounds you-go-I-go w Mainz against Anders Lerche and Mikkel Brandt
12 KB snatch @ 32 kg
2x20m prowler
10 strict pull up

Mikkel and Anders won narrowly. Brandt is a fast little fucker. I did everything unbroken except for the final set of pull ups that were 5-3-2 I think.

(45 min break - job interview as coach in Butcher's Garage)

2nd warm up
2k row - 7:01

WOD2 - 7 rounds for time
5 tire flips (biggest tire in the gym)
5 strict pull up
5 tire flips
10 push up
10 sit up

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