tirsdag den 2. oktober 2012

2 October 2012

Competition team training

Technique: 10 min. Ring Dip practice
7 reps strict
7 reps kipping
7 reps psycho-kip

No problem here, although they are heavier to do than when I was 5 kgs lighter :)

Technique: HSPU extended range of motion
1 rep at a time, each round increased the deficit. Ended up doing 1rep at a stack of plates that had my shoulders rest on the plateswhen the top of my head touched the abmat. Kipped all HSPUs. My shoulder (and my BW) does not allow me to do strict deficit HSPUs at the moment.

WOD - You-go-I-go with Mainz
10 rounds of:
9 deadlift @ 60 kg
6 Hang Power Snatch @ 60 kg
3 OHS @ 60 kg

Time cap: 12 min.

Result: Got through the 8th round, and Mainz got 9 DL and 2 hang power snatch. The other two rx'ed mens teams made it through in 10:05 and 11:35 so we finished last.

My grip and inefficient third pull was what was the toughest on my part. Also my lower back felt a bit tight, but no doubt that it was the snatches that killed me. Gotta get more light weight technique stuff in there alongside my LP strength work this winter.

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