søndag den 7. oktober 2012

7 October 2012

Squatting, pressing, pulling.

StrongmanWOD back squat series
25 mins EMOTM high bar back squat
1-5: 5 x 80 kg
6-10: 4 x 90 kg
11-15: 3 x 100 kg
16-20: 2 x 110 kg
21-25: 1 x 115 kg (did 120 kg in second attempt, dropped the 120 in thrid and went back to 115 kg for the last 3 minutes)

I like this squat series, and I will probably feel it tomorrow. Total tonnage: 6.98 tonnes. Pretty cool.

Shoulder press @ 60 kg
3, 3, 4, 3, 3.
Wanted to test my shoulder. It feels stronger, but it gave in on every round as soon as I lost a tiny bit of the tension in my upper back. Still very painful.

Strict pull ups 4xME
16, 13, 12, 11.
Felt pretty good, was surprised by the 16 strict seing as I have now rounded to 90 kg mark in bodyweight.

Strict ring rows + strict ring dips
8+15, 8+10, 8+10, 8+10.

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