tirsdag den 16. oktober 2012

16 October 2012

4 WODs with the competition team.

Buddy WODs w Daniel 'Bailey' Madsen.

Each person does a round and then rests while the other person does his round.

WOD 1: 8 min AMRAP
9 DL 60/40 kg
6 hang power snatch

Finished 4 full rounds each, and I did an additional 9 DL and 1 hang power snatch.

Rest 9 mins

WOD 2: 8 min AMRAP
5 strict pull-ups /chin ups
50 double-unders

Finished 6 rounds full rounds each, and I did an additional 5 pull ups and 19 DUs.

Rest 9 min

WOD 3: 8 min AMRAP 

1, 2, 3.... reps of ("ladder"):

Ring dips
Front squats 100/70 kg (front squat tages fra rack)

Finished 5 full rounds each, and I did an additional 6 ring dips and 3 front squats.

Extra you-go-I-go wod just Bailey and me: 
5 rounds of:
3 KB full swings @ 48 kg
3 strict C2B pull up

While one person finishes his round the other person lies in front bridge.

Good day although my weaknesses in snatch and front squats were glaringly obvious today. I need more work on the bar path and I need to keep working that front squat, especially showing the knees out.

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