onsdag den 17. oktober 2012

17 October 2012

Fatigued day in the Garage.

Hang snatch bolt 3s
20, 40, 40, 40, 40, 50, 50, 50, 50, 60, 60.
Trying to correct my slight jump forward and putting too much horizontal movement in the bar (see the video below for an example). Not entirely successful, but I did improve. Coach's Eye is a pretty cool app!

15 mins of rope climb practice

Pause jerk 5RM
20, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95x2.
Feeling fatigued in my lower back from yesterdays WODs I stopped at the 95 kg times two. It would not have been impossible to do 5 I think, especially not on a fresh day, but today I didn't feel like pushing it too hard. The 90 kg felt a lot lighter than last time i did this.

Front squat 4x10 @ 70 kg
Did this to work on not letting my knees cave in as they did that a lot yesterday on the 100 kg front squats. I managed to avoid it at this weight although I could feel yesterday's workout very clearly. Good stuff though.

Finished off with some thoracic spine mob and ancle stretch.

Tomorrow = REST !

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