tirsdag den 23. oktober 2012

23 October 2012

Morning session in the church of pain.

HB back squat
5x20, 5x40, 5x60, 5x80, 5x100, 3x122, 2x122, 1x122, 5x100.
Squat did not feel good today, legs just felt soft all over. Position was good but I was not nearly as strong as usual. Still feeling the weekend I think. Did some low bar just for fun and did 8x100 and 7x120. It feels weird to do low bar after half a year of not doing so.

Push press from chest
5x20, 5x40, 5x60, 3x80, 2x90, 1x100 (PR by 5kg), 105 (F).

Quick finisher
21 - 15 - 9 of
Toes to bar

Everything unbroken: 3:27.

Evening session with the competition team in Butcher's Garage.

Trap bar deadlift 5x5 @ 150
No problem, could easily have gone higher, but wanted to save something for the WOD.

WOD 1-4 of 60 min. Outlaw competition
The work and rest intervals are written into the 40 min time frame. Please post scoring for each individual WOD.

WODs 1&2 (beginning @ 0:00):
Wod 1:
Row 500m-rest 4 minutes-Row 500m
For total working time.
Notes: Any damper setting is allowed.

Wod 2:
During the WOD 1/4 minute rest interval complete…
AMRAP: Double-Unders
Notes: This time begins immediately when the first 500m Row is completed.
*Rest the remainder of the first 10 minutes.

WOD 3 (beginning @ 10:00):
10 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean & Jerk.
Notes: Any style (power/squat/split/push) is allowed.

WOD 4 (beginning @ 20:00):
4 rounds for time of:
3 Rope Climbs approx. 12 ft.
30 HR Pushups
15 atomic sit-ups

WOD 1: 1:37 and 1:39. Placed 2nd.
WOD 2: 292 reps. Placed 1st.
WOD 3: 112,5 kg (PR by 2,5 kg). Placed 4th.
WOD 4: 11:51. Placed 1st.
Won the WOD overall with 8 points. 2nd place got 22.

My rowing is pretty good. Did not go all out and finished second. I could have taken first no doubt, but I was keen on doing good on the DUs so I saved some energy. DUs are obviously dialed in pretty well. Made 2-3 mistakes over the four minutes but had to rest a couple of times too due to tension in the shoulders.

On the c+j I felt very strong, and used the cues I got from my new WL coach Mikkel Findahl. It worked out well and I think 115 should come up the next time I max out. Maybe even 117,5.

On the rope climb WOD I knew I had a good chance seing as it would primarily be the HR push ups which were going to decide the winner, along with rope climbs, which I have an ok grip on. As it turned out I beat the second place taker, Philip Hargett, by 17 seconds which suprised me a lot.

All in all I knew that I was having a good day even though it started out with me not being able to squat for shit.

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