tirsdag den 12. marts 2013

11 Mar 2013

WL in IK99

Pre WL session WOD w Sarah Lindasblabla and the plumber. 
Team WOD, for glory:
150 butterly pull up
150 overhead squats @ 45 kg
150 handstand push up
150 pistols

All skills that I have under control. Managed to get good speed on the HSPU by holding i wider stance and keeping my head close to the wall.

Military press: 10x20, 10x40, 10x50, 4s x 4r x 62.5 kg.
Rows: 10x20, 10x40, 10x60, 8x65, 8x70, 8x75.

WL training : Snatch.
Many drills and stuff that was funny and annoying because I still suck at snatches and my shoulders are tighter than a nuns a**hole. Especially my right shoulder is unstable when catching in the overhead position. And my upper back is too weak (erector spinae and rhomboideus, according to Crossjitzen).

Light front squat 3 x 6-4-2
I am in my deload week so I went resonably light.
1: 6r x 60 kg, 4r x 70 kg, 2r x 80 kg.
2: 6r x 70 kg, 4r x 80 kg, 2r x 90 kg.
3: 6r x 80 kg, 4r x 90 kg, 2r x 100 kg.

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