onsdag den 13. marts 2013

12 Mar 2013

C-team training in the Garage

Team skill WOD
3 people has to complete 3 rounds:
50 DUs each
20 MUs
4 m handstand walk each
6 bar MUs each
10 pistols each

MU's were a great success. Did 4's all the way through, without false grip. Handstand walk was bad. DUs were easy. Pistols were fine.

10 minute amrap:

3 hang clean thrusters (hang clusters) @ 60 kg
3 Burpee-box-jumps @ 90 cm
3 Chest-to-bar pull ups

6 hang clean thrusters (hang clusters) @ 60 kg
6 Burpee-box-jumps @ 90 cm
6 Chest-to-bar pull ups

9 hang clean thrusters (hang clusters) @ 60 kg
9 Burpee-box-jumps @ 90 cm
9 Chest-to-bar pull ups

Score: 83 reps (round of 9 + 12 hang clusters + 12 burpee-box-jumps + 5 chest-to-bar)

Started out at an intentionally low pace which ketp me from gassing out. Picked up the pace a little durnig the final minute. Good WOD.

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