søndag den 14. april 2013

12 Apr 2013

Max OLY and some good clean home entertainment you can trust

Warm up
3 rds:
10 push up
10 sit up
10 back ext.

4x4 overhead squat

Max snatch
3x20, 3x30, 3x40, 3x50, 3x60, 65, 70, 2x75, 80, 82.5, 85 (PB), 3 fails @ 87.5.

Max clean and jerk
3x20, 3x40, 3x60, 2x80, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110 (5 kg from PB), 2 fails @ 112.5.

Same results as last week. It seems there is a pattern here: I am too tired to reach my PB clean and jerk after snatching to my max. I feel it in my hips and lower back and I am unable to power clean the bar (which is my limiter in c+j).

Power snatch technique focus
5s x 3r @ 60 kg.
Focusing on getting bar into the hip before the second pull. Tried a wider grip which made it a bit better. I feel like there's a PR next week with the wider grip as I am able to put more force into the bar, however it does feel a bit more insecure in my right shoulder.

5 supersets of
10 lateral plate raises (5/10 kg) - Like Lu Xiaojun who is a complete badass: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IDqX1eMFmA
10 back extensions in the GHD

WOD w Bo-stick
10 minutes on AirDyne for calories w. 4 strict pull ups every minute.
Result: 257 calories. Averaged about 400 W through the whole workout. Beat Bo by approx. 40 calories.

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