lørdag den 20. april 2013

20 Apr 2013

Wendler and an engine-WOD in the Garage

Warm up: 10xBW, 10x10, 5x20.
Work sets: 3r x 32.5 kg, 3r x 40 kg, 4r x 47.5 kg.

Chin ups
Warm up: 10xBW, 5x10, 3x20.
Work sets: 3r x 25 kg, 3r x 32.5 kg, 2r x 40 kg.

Warm up: 10x60, 5x80, 5x100, 5x140.
Work sets: 3r x 160 kg, 3r x 170 kg. Did not do the set of 180 kg, it just wasn't there today.

Long engine WOD
30 minutes AirDyne for calories, incl. EMOTM:
0-4: 10 push up
5-9: 5 c2b pull up
10-14: 5 HSPU
15-19: 5 KB swing @ 32 kg
20-24: 3 back squat @ 100 kg
25-29: 1 C+J @ 100 kg

Result: 470 kcal. Between 300-400 W all the way, and exercises took between 15 and 25 seconds in each round.

Nice long one.

That's what she said.

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