tirsdag den 30. april 2013

30 Apr 2013

GVT wave and K-team training

GVT bench press and pendlay rows superset
10 sets of
10 bench press @ 72.5 kg
10 pendlay rows @ 62.5 kg

Beginning a new set at every 90 seconds, so that it takes 30 mins in total.

2RM front squat
120 kg (PR - my previous 1RM)

Went for 1RM of 125 and got it - PR! Attempted 130 but didn't get it.

2 rounds of
10 pistols
50 DUs
5m HSW
5 MUs

HSW was difficult with tired core from the front squats.

WOD for time
5 cleans @ 100 kg
11 deficit HSPU @ 16 cm
10 cleans @ 85 kg
15 cleans @ 60 kg

Choked completely on the deficit HSPU so I stopped at 11 and switched to regular HSPU in round 2 and 3. Did the remaining 4 HSPUs from round 1 in the second round. Cleans were all easy.

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