tirsdag den 16. april 2013

16 Apr 2013

A nice strong day in the Garage
The Wendler program is going nice, I am on my second cycle and hitting my numbers as I am supposed to. Really nice.

Warm up
3 rounds
10 push up
10 sit up
10 back ext.

Wendler high bar back squat
Warm up: 10x20, 10x40, 5x60, 5x80, 5x100, 3x110.
Work sets: 3r x 120 kg, 3r x 127.5 kg, 4r x 135 kg.

Wendler military press
Warm up: 10x20, 10x30, 5x40, 5x50, 3x55.
Work sets: 3r x 60 kg, 3r x 64.5 kg, 5r x 67.5 kg.
Bonus: 3r x 67.5 kg, 13r x 50 kg.

Tried suicide grip which worked ok for me, it felt like my elbows stayed closer to my body. I did feel a bit more pressure on the wrists, but I guess that's just a matter of where the bar is lying in the hand.

Skill training
3 rounds
4 m handstand walk
10 pistols
10 handstand push up

Got the 4m handstand walk twice! And managed to do pistols without holding my feet with my hands. HSPU were a breeze.

WOD w Kasper Feldt
For time, complete in order and in total:
50 bar MUs
50 front squat @ 95 kg (bar is taken from ground each time)
75 KB high swings @ 32 kg

This was a nice WOD. HSPUs were farily easy. Did something like 15-15-10 I think. Bar MUs were very tough in the end. Started on 5's ended on singles, and missed two in total. Front squats were gruelling. Upper back was the clear limiter. Did one 5'er then the rest was 4's and MAN it was heavy in the end. And it always adds a little extra when you have to clean it every time. KB swings were good for my cardio engine. 

Time: 20:00+ (the clock stopped)

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