tirsdag den 14. maj 2013

14 May 2013

Back in the garage

 Starting my third Wendler wave today, so I was a bit anxious to see if the duathlon had fucked up my recovery during the deload period last week. The weights for this week are the first that are substanitally above my previous maxes, so the squats and presses were going to be the first real test of  whether or not I am getting stronger on this program.

But first, a little snatch bolting.

Snatch bolt 3's
2s x 3r x 20
3r x 30
3r x 40
3r x 50
5s x 3r x 60 kg.

Military press
Warm up: 10x20, 10x30, 5x40, 5x50.
Work sets: 5r x 58 kg, 5r x 62 kg, 6r x 66 kg.

HB back squat
Warm up: 5x50, 5x70, 5x90.
Work sets: 5r x 116 kg, 5r x 124 kg, 7r x 132 kg (!!) - according to the 1RM Lite app this puts my 1RM at 158. Yowser!

Snatch grip behind the neck military press
3s x 10r x 40 kg.

-- K-team training --

WOD #1
7 minutes to establish a heavy 3 in overhead squat, with bar taken from floor.
20, 60, 70, 80, 90. Did not attempt 100 because my shoulder did not feel too stable.

Amrap 7 mins of burpee muscle ups in teams of three (with Gummi and Numsepikken)
Result: around 40 I think.

For time:
30 thrusters @ 30 kg
30 C2B
30 alternating pistols
30 one arm dumbbell snatches @ 32 kg

Time: 6:19.

All in all a great day! Very strong legs. I actually think I could have done more than the 7 reps @ 132 kg. Same for the press. Looking good for this wave! Hopefully I'll get the 90 kg snatch and the 120 kg clean and jerk soon too.

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