torsdag den 16. maj 2013

16 May 2013

Morning training.

Bench press
Warm up: 10x20-40-60, 5x80.
Work sets: 5r x 92.5 kg, 5r x 97.5 kg, 5r x 105 kg, 4r x 105 kg.
Bonus: 22r x 60 kg.

Didn't have a spotter so I did not want to go all out on thelast set. Probably could have gotten 1-2 more.

Pendlay rows
Warm up: 10x20-40-60.
Work sets: 50r x 80 kg, 5r x 87.5 kg, 7r x 92.5 kg.
Bonus: 22r x 60 kg.

Front rack walking lunges
6s x 12r x 60 kg.

I don't like these, but that's just another reason to do them.

Afternoon training.

Low bar back squat
Started reading Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe in a break at work today. Got inspired and decided to play a little with the low bar back squat, just to get a feel for it.

5x20, 5x40, 5x60, 5x80, 5x100, 1x120, 1x130, 1x140, 1x150(PR), 1x155(PR!), 1x160(F).

Weight felt light all the way. Could probably have gotten the 160 if I hadn't just done 155.. next time! Low bar life is great :-)

For time
10-9-8-...-1 of
Chest to bar pull ups
KB high swings 32 kg
+ 25 DUs after every round

Time: 16:20.

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