tirsdag den 7. maj 2013

7 May 2013

Crazy volume day in the garage

GVT front squat (heels on 2.5 kg plates)
Warm up: 10x20, 10x40, 10x60.
Work sets: 10s x 10r x 70 kg (90-180 sec break between sets).

GVT supersets - strict ring dips and strict pull ups
No warm up (like Chuck motherf***ing Norris)
Strict ring dips: 10s x 10r x BW.
Strict pull ups: 5s x 10r x BW, then 7 - 7 - 8 - 8 -8.


K-team training (with insane coaches: MANIXXX and Sebberlicious)

WOD #1
EMOTM 14 minutes
Odd minutes: 4 MUs
Even minutes: 4 deficit HSPU @ 16 cm, then 4-6 pistols.

I was pretty happy with my MUs, only broke up 2 sets, and got quite efficient on the kip, which I had to as all my pulling and dipping power was gone from all the shit I did 30 minutes earlier. Deficit HSPUs are not my bag baby (I'm 91-92 kg at the moment which is a lot to press for my tiny girl shoulders) so I reduced from 5 per round to 4 (which was also too much, actually).

WOD #2
20 minutes to establish heaviest DT (one round):
12 deadlift
9 hang power clean
6 shoulder-to-overhead

Result: 80 kg. It actually wasn't too hard. Tried 85 but my grip failed at the 9th HPC (would have gotten the full round if I hadn't lost it there since my overhead game is good for this weight).

That was IT. Good day. Sore elbows now. But a happy feeling in my tummy.

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