mandag den 20. maj 2013

20 May 2013

Lots and lots of fun in the Garage

Military press
Warm up: 10x20, 5x40, 5x50.
Work sets: 3r x 62.5 kg, 3r x 67.5 kg, 3r x 70 kg.

Full clean
3r x 40, 3r x 60, 2r x 80, 1r x 90, 1r x 100, 1r x 105, 1r x 80, 1r x 100, 1r x 105, 1r x 110 (PR).

On the first 105 it felt a bit weird in my back so I went back down to try to get 110 in good form. Which I did. Score.

Team WOD w Smuksen vs Kasper 'Donkraften' Feldt and Maya
3 rounds you-go-I-go, athletes switch as they please:
20 Toes-to-bar
20 box jumps
20 burpees
20 KB swings 32 kg
20 goblet squats
20 push ups
20 pull ups

Time: ?? - but we won by 90 seconds or so. Cardio is not a type of WOD - it's a LIFESTYLE.

Chipper against Donkraften
Row 2000m
50 alternating pistols
30 hang power cleans 80 kg

Rowing was done in 7 mins flat (maintained 1:45/500m all the way). Pistol were a bit slow because I suck at them. HPCs were 8-7-5-5-5 with pretty short breaks.

Time: 13:10 (I think).

Cardio triathlon
For time:
500 m ski-erg
50 cal AirDyne
500 m row

Time: 5:18. Most horrible rowing I've ever done. But it's a LIFESTYLE.

Then, I measured my right bicep: 40 cm. Yeah.

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