onsdag den 7. august 2013

26 July - 6 Aug: Vacation

Spent 12 days in Portugal getting heavier and weaker
(And had a good time doing it)

Did a couple of BW + sprint sessions outdoors and had two 'real' training sessions at a proper box (http://www.crossfitaveiro.com) with some great people.

Training #1
Park WOD
5 rounds for time of
20 push up
20 atomic sit up
20 alternating pistols
10 strict pull up
100 m run up hill, then 100 m run downhill

Training #2
Park WOD
3 rounds for time
3 x 30 m hill sprint incl. going back down
10 semi strict pull ups on fat bar (semi because my grip would slip if I kipped properly)
20 push up
20 sit up
10 wall burpees (1m wall)
10 box jumps (50 cm box)

Training #3
Military press
Warm up + 5 x 65 kg, 3 x 70 kg, 1 x 75 kg.

HB back squat
Warm up + 5 x 120, 3 x 130 kg, 1 x 140 kg.

Something I don't remember

5 rounds for time
2 deadlift
2 power clean
and then some BW stuff, different exercises

Training #4
Pendlay rows
Warm up + 5 x 80 + 90 + 80 + 80 + 80 kg.

WOD #1
4 rounds for time of
5 power clean @ 80
10 toes-to-bar
15 wall balls @ 10 kg

Time: 6:10. Beat Juvenal, the owner of Crossfit Aveiro, by 45 secs :-) Tough guy!

WOD #2
3 rounds for reps of
1 minute push up
1 minute pull ups
1 minute ring rows
1 minute russian twists (16 kg KB)
1 minute burpees
1 minute break

Result: 120, 94, 115.

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