tirsdag den 13. august 2013

Tue 13 Aug 2013

Low hang - hang - high hang
1 x 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 - 60(F - Bar went forward on the 2nd snatch so I had to stand up immediately instead of riding it down, so I called it a fail)

Power snatch
Warm up: 5 x 40 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 50 - 55 - 60 kg.
This was pretty easy as long as I kept my belly tight.

Military press
Warm up: 10 x 20, 5 x 40 - 50 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 62.5, 4 x 65, 4 x 65 kg. This was so fucked up. I was supposed to do a 5+ set of 70 but couldn't even get 5 with 65 kg.
Volume sets: 5 x 10 x 42.5 kg. No sweat.

HB back squat
Warm up: 10 x 40 - 60, 5 x 80 - 100 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 125, 4 x 132.5, 2 x 140 kg. Did 6 x 140 before my vaca so this was (like the mil press) also slightly depressing.
Volume sets: 3 x 10 x 82.5 kg. No sweat.

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