tirsdag den 27. august 2013

Tue 27 Aug 2013

Wendler and shit shoulder and K-team training

W.u.: 10 x 20 - 40, 5 x 60 - 80 kg.
Work: 3 x 87.5 - 95 - 100 kg.

OH squat
W.u.: 10 x 20, 5 x 40 - 60, 3 x 80 kg.
Work: 3 x 87.5 - 95, 2 x 100 kg. S H I T shoulder.

Skill OTM
Odd: 9 butterfly pull up
Even: 7 strict HSPU
All unbroken.

1RM cluster
50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 95 - 100 (F).

For time, 4 rounds of:
12 thrusters @ 50 kg
12 TTB

Time: 6:35. I don't care what Seb says. I was happy with this, as I generally felt like shit and really took the WOD at a low pace.

For time:
200 DUs
50 russian twists @ 20 kg
50 sit ups with 10 kg plate over head on each rep

Time: I don't know but I got 2nd.

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