mandag den 21. oktober 2013

Mon 21 Oct 2013

Even extra more getting back in the gym

OH squat
10 x 20, 5 x 40 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90, 1 x 100 - 105 kg.
They all felt easy, however on 105 I did tilt my chest forward because my knees dove in, which made both my shoulders rotate forward and it felt like they were both close to dislocating. So obviously I stopped there. But now I know my new mission: improving my bottom position in the squat by getting better mobilization in my hip joints that are too tight in the adductors, psoas and hamstrings. This in turn will allow me to keep my chest up and to have a closer grip on the bar, which again will reduce the force on the shoulder joint and allow me to hold more weight securely overhead. Boomsauce.

WOD "Linda"
For time, 10 - 9 - 8 - ... -1 of:
Deadlift @ 1.5xBW = 135 kg
Bench press @ BW = 90 kg
Power clean @ .75xBW = 70 kg

Time: 25:00. Same as the first time I did Linda when I had just started crossfit. And weighed 10 kg less. I did do Linda in 17:20 after 6 months of crossfitting, but it was still at 80 kg BW. This time the reps looked a lot better, so I am happy. And exhausted.

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