mandag den 23. september 2013

Mon 23 Sep 2013

Wendler, the Bear and a WOD

Back squat
Warm up: 10 x 40 - 60, 5 x 50 - 100 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 112.5, 3 x 127.5, 3 x 142.5 kg.

Warm up: 10 x BW, 5 x 10, 3 x 25 kg.
Work sets: 3 x 35 - 42.5 - 50 kg.

1RM Bear Complex
Without dropping or otherwise letting go of the bar, complete:
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 shoulder-to-overhead
1 back squat
1 shoulder-to-overhead

1 x 20 - 40 - 60 - 80 - 100 - 105 - 110 kg.

WOD - Veins' Thruster Ladder
For time complete:
1 thruster 90 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs
3 thruster 80 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs
5 thruster 70 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs
7 thruster 60 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs
9 thruster 50 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs
11 thruster 40 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs
13 thruster 30 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs
15 thruster 20 kg
3 MUs
30 DUs

Time: 14:45. MUs got really hard towards the end, and I got totally gassed.

Great training though, the elite crew are awesome to train with.

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