mandag den 9. september 2013

Mon 9 Sep 2013

Wendler and 2 workouts
Many thrusters today.

Pendlay rows
Warm up: 10 x BW, 5 x 40 - 60 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 82.5 - 87.5 - 92.5 kg (got a bit messy because of a surprisingly sore under arm muscle)

Warm up: 5 x 80 - 100 - 120 kg.
Work sets: 5 x 142.5 - 152.5 - 162.5 kg.
Bonus: 1 x 170 - 180 - 190 kg (F).
180 was easy. Failing 190 was not the plan but it felt a bit too heavy and I decided to drop it.

5 x 162.5 kg deadlift

1000m row
50 thrusters @ 20 kg
30 pull up

Time: 6:30. Row was exactly 3:30 and I was not exhausted at all from it. Thrusters were 40-10 with a 6-8 second break. If I had gone all out I would not have taken the break but I figured 'what the hell' because my shoulders were getting a bit fried. Did them all Froning-style with suicide grip and a solid break at the top position to ensure full lock out. The pull ups were obviously unbroken.

- rest 10 minutes -

EMOTM 20 mins
Odd: 5 C2B (kipping, not butterfly) + 20 DUs
Even: 3 thrusters @ 60 kg + 20 DUs

Nice little workout that gassed me a little towards the end.

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