tirsdag den 12. november 2013

Tue 12 Nov 2013

Split jerk
2 x 20 - 40 - 60 - 80 - 90, 1 x 100 - 110 - 120 - 125 kg (F).
120 kg was easy as cake, and 125 would have gone up just as easy I am certain, but I had to rush it to make the 18:00 start of team training. I will go again soon and set a new PR. 130 should be within reach.

With a 12 minute time cap:

A) 4 rounds of:
7 STOH @ 60 kg
12 TTB

Time: 3:33. Didn't go hard, so I should be able to shave 20 secs off it if I went again.

B) 3RM hang snatch

Did 60 which went ok considering I never snatch. Did 2 reps at 70 and missed the third because I am just not very good at snatches.

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