tirsdag den 26. november 2013

Tue 26 Nov 2013

3 rounds for time:
30 double unders
10 ring dips
Time: around 2 minutes.

- then -

Superset of:
2 x ME strict HSPU
2 x 8 strict pull ups + ME butterfly

25 butterflies
20 butterflies

Barbell complex
Find max for
1 military press + 3 push press + 5 split jerk

Result: 70 kg. Limiting factor was press. Didn't go for 75, but I might have been able to press it. Not without re-injuring my shoulder though.

Team WOD w Polle
Athlete A completes all his reps before B goes. Athlete B has a static hold during athletes A's reps. When athlete A is done with all reps of a given movement, athlete B starts his reps of the same movement.

100 DUs / static: nothing.
20 TTB / static: pull up hold.
20 HSPU / static: handstand hold.
20 box jumps @ 24" / static: plank hold.
20 KB swings @ 32 kg / static: KB hold over chest height.
20 KB snatch @ 24 kg / static: KB hold over ground anyhow.
200 DUs / static: nothing.
Buy out: 75 burpee box jumps (in total for both athletes).

Time: don't know, but the burpee box jumps were tough on my cardio.

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