onsdag den 27. november 2013

Wed 27 Nov 2013

Back squat 1RM test day w Hawk
Warm up: 10 x 20, 5 x 40 - 60 - 80, 3 x 100, 2 x 120, 1 x 130 kg.
Work sets: 1 x 140 - 150 - 155 (PR) - 160(F) - 160 (PR!) kg.

1 x 150 kg back squat.

1 x 155 kg back squat.

1 x 160 kg back squat (F).

1 x 160 kg back squat.

Maybe 150 was actually a high bar PR too, but I'm not sure.

Then I decided to switch to low bar to see if I am still stronger in that position.

Low bar: 1 x 140 - 150 - 160 - 170 (PR!!) kg.

1 x 160 kg low bar back squat.

1 x 170 kg low bar back squat. 

Massive PR day.

1) Smolov Jr. certainly works if I dedicate myself to it and keep myself from doing too much other stuff while it's going on.

2) I have to work on my movement pattern to keep my chest from going forward and my butt shooting back. My theory is that it is primarily due to an imbalance between anterior and posterior chain strength, as it feels like I am trying to get the load onto my quads to get out of the hole, causing my butt to shoot back. Mainz mentioned something about focusing more on tightening the abs, which I am also working on. (EDIT: see comment below)

3) Low bar is till a lot stronger for me. Today it sort of felt like coming home even though I have not low bar squatted for over a year, except for my 160 kg PR in the spring.

However, I did reach a goal today, and will now shift my focus towards front squat and press strength and more weightlifting technique. Time to get those numbers up as well.

EDIT: I just realized that some pretty darn good weightlifters actually do the same "butt-back" movement as me, so maybe I shouldn't get TOO caught up in trying to change it. For example, check out USA weightlifter Kendrick Farris in this video of a heavy 5-rep squat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5Cz2EI2N2Q .

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