mandag den 4. februar 2013

1 Feb 2013

Military press
Warm up: 10r x 20, 5r x 40, 5r x 50, 5r x 60.
Work sets: 10s x 2r x 67,5 kg.
First five sets I ended up standing on my toes. Not excactly push pressing but flexing my calves enough to rise from the floor on the first press. Second press was easier taking advantage of the stretch reflex.

Pendlay rows
Warm up: 10r x 40, 5r x 60, 5r x 80.
Work sets: 5s x 5r @ 85 kg.

4 rounds for time of:
5 back squat @ 80 kg
10 KB wings @ 32 kg
10 TTB
5 power cleans @ 80 kg
50 DUs

Time: 15:37.

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