onsdag den 20. februar 2013

20 Feb 2013

Strength and WOD in Garagen

Military press
Warm up: 10x20, 10x30, 10x40, 5x50.
Work sets: 2s x 5r x 62.5, 8r x 62.5.
Bonus: 9r x 50.

Front squat
Warm up: 10x40, 10x60, 5x80.
Work sets: 3s x 5r x 102.5.
Heavy! Not pretty. Maybe I should scale down the Wendler 1RM a bit.

Deadlift (pause in bottom)
Warm up: 5x60, 5x90, 5x110, 5x140.
Work sets: 3s x 5r x 165.

WOD w Seb and Brandt
3 rounds of
10 deficit HSPU (1 blue, 1 red plate)
15 C2B
20 burpee box jumps
4 min rest

Round 1: 2:17
Round 2: 2:10
Round 3: 3:28

Died on round three.. cardio is not too good, but then again, I have gained 5 kgs since last years opens.

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