onsdag den 27. februar 2013

27 Feb 2013

Military press
Warm up: 20x20, 10x40, 10x40, 5x50.
Work sets: 2s x 3r x 65 kg, 1s x 6r x 65 kg.
Bonus: 12r x 50 kg.

Felt pretty easy.

Warm up: 10x50, 5x100, 5x120, 5x40, 5x160.
Work sets: 3s x 3r x 175 kg.

Surprisingly easy. Tough on the grip though.

Pull up
Warm up: 10xBW, 5x10, 5x20.
Work sets: 2s x 3r x 32 kg, 1s x 5r x 32 kg.
Bonus: 8r x 20 kg.

Again, surprisingly easy.

500 m row
5 rds of (5 HSPU, 5 TTB, 5 pull up)
500 m row
5 rds of (5 HSPU, 5 TTB, 5 pull up)
500 m row

Time: 13:20 ?

WOD was good, rowing was around 1:30 in forst round, 1:40 in second and third. HSPU was the toughest, no surprise there.

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