onsdag den 6. februar 2013

5 Feb 2013

Back squat 5x5 @ 125 kg
Warm up: 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 110.
Work sets @ 125 kg: 4s x 5r, 1s x 3r.
Back off: 3s x 5r @ 110.
Dropped the bar on the 4th rep on the final set. Maybe I should start doing three sets (5r, 5r, ME) instead of 5x5 on my squat LP. Pretty happy about the session though. It feels like my squat has really improved during my bulk and has not gone down although I dropped 5-7 kgs since my heaviest in the middle of December.

First set of squats.

Fourth set of squats.

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Deadlift @ 100 kg

Time: 4:48.

I was not happy with this. I should be able to take at least 1 minute off this. Deadlift really takes the coordination out of the kip in the HSPU. I was unable to keep my head close to the wall and the first round of HSPUs were probably the slowest I have ever done. OK, I had just been squatting very heavy AND I have o cold, so perhaps that also played a part. I am dead set on impoving this score before regionals.

For time, complete the following (while athlete A is working on the reps athlete B must maintain a 'holding position as stated below):
750 m row while other athlete holds 97,5 kg in front rack position.
50 burpees while other athlete holds 60 kg overhead
50 thrusters while other athlete holds dip support position

Time: 10:20.

This was a tough mudder of a WOD. Cleaning the 97,5 kg after rowing 550 m all out took three tries. And once I got it up I couldn't breathe. It was f***ing horrible. And my thrusters were WAY off. It f***ing sucked. But we got a decent time on it so that was good.

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