lørdag den 23. februar 2013

23 Feb 2013

Back squat
Warm up: 10x20, 10x40, 10x60, 5x80, 5x100, 5x110.
Work sets: 2s x 5r x 123 kg, 1s x 8r x 123 kg.
Bonus: 6r x 110 kg.

Warm up: 10x20, 10x40, 10x60, 5x80.
Work sets: 2s x 5r x 85 kg, 1s x 8r x 85 kg.
Bonus: 17r x 60 kg.

Bar muscle up and ring muscle up practice. Bar muscle ups in 3s, false grip ring muscle ups in 4s and a sigle 5.

WOD - 15 min amrap
1-2-3-...-n of
Wall balls 9 kg
Push press 60 kg (from floor)
Chest to bar
DUs x 10

Score: 8 rds + 6 wall balls. Did everything unbroken, except for last 2 rounds of C2B because it felt like my hands were tearing. And of course I broke up the DUs in two the rounds of 60, 70 and 80.

Very nice WOD.

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