tirsdag den 3. juli 2012

2 July 2012

Monday: Snatch variations, squat volume, press volume.

Back squat 5x5 @ 117,5 kg.
Did 2x5 low bar at working weight but decided to change to 100 kg high bar because my lower back was hammered from yesterday's CF Total. Focused on form and position in the bottom of the squat.

OH press 5xME @ 50 kg.
12, 12, 10, 8, 8. Focused on getting the shoulders back and improving my starting position. Felt yesterdays presses so I stuck to form before intensity.

No snatches due to lower back fatigue. Had planned to do 10 mins EMOM: 3 hang snatch @ 50 kg. Also skipped a 10 mins EMOM: 3 strict HSPU, 5 toes-to-bar.

Easy day, probebly should have taken a full rest day, but I had to go squat, just could not be without it today :)

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