lørdag den 7. juli 2012

6 July 2012

Friday: Snatch max attempts. Front Squat or DL, Auxiliary exercises (GHR, RDLs, sleds).

4-frame of 77,5 kg PR snatch.

20 mins to establish 1RM snatch.
40, 40, 50, 50, 60, 60, 70, 70, 77,5 (PR by 2,5 kg), 80(F), 80(F), 80(F), 80(F), 80(F). 
Felt good, I was very confident that the 77,5 would be a breeze, and it was. I had actually also expected to get 80 up, but as the video shows that just didn't happen. Lousy footwork, slow under the bar, and I still get on my toes a bit too early. Well, still making good progress, and I am ahead of my linear progression towards my goal of snatching 90 by Oct 1st.

EMOM 15 mins
Box full clean + box full clean + jerk @ 80 kg.
I... LOVE... EMOM!

5x5 deadlift @ 150 kg.
Got a bit spicy towards the end, think I lost the lower back a little bit on rep 4 and 5 in the two last sets, but I made it through OK.

Was actually done at this point, about to go home, but the my favourite you-go-I-go WOD buddy Mikkel Brandt showed up and we decided on a closer:

4 rounds, you-go-I-go of:
5 TG full cleans @ 70 kg
2 x 15m prowler loaded w 80 kg
10 ring dips

Lap times: 1:12, 1:19, 1:30, 1:43.

Great day: a PR and a massive attack on the posterior chain. That prowler was E V I L. And wonderful at the same time.

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