lørdag den 28. juli 2012

28 July 2012

Clean+jerk max, snatch volume, squat volume, press and pull up volume.

Clean+jerk max attempt.
40, 40, 40, 60, 60,60, 80, 80, 90, 90, 100, 105(F), 105(F), 105(F).
Disappointed that I did not get 105, but the others felt very safe, so that was good.

Snatch volume.
1 x 60 kg EMOM 15 mins.
Failed the fifth, got the rest. Good weight, and I got good speed under it once it started to get a bit heavy on rep 8-9 and forward.

Back squat volume.
Inspired by Mainz' crazy 75 rep EMOM from strongmanwod.com I did the following 25 min EMOM:
5 rounds of 5 x 75 kg each minute.
5 rounds of 4 x 85 kg
5 rounds of 3 x 95 kg
5 rounds of 2 x 105 kg
5 rounds of 1 x 110 kg
Had planned to do 115 kg in final round but started to feel kind of cramped in my adductors, so I chose to play it safe and get through the last five rounds in good form. This is a total of 6.6 tonnes squatted in 25 mins. I have squatted 100 x 60 in 20 mins before and I was sore for days so I am curious to see how I feel tomorrow from this session!

OH press + strict c2b superset.
4 rounds of
ME shoulder press @ 50 kg
ME strict c2b
Press: 10, 9, 8, 9.
C2b: 10, 9, 9, 10.

Good day, although I did not get 105 kg in clean and jerk a I had hoped. It's bound to happen one day soon, but my jerk gets really weak after I have cleaned. I would be able to stick a 105 jerk most of the time if I did it from the rack.

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