lørdag den 7. juli 2012

7 July 2012

Saturday: Beach WODs

WOD1 - 2 man team amrap 12 mins.
You-go-I-go at each of the first two station, then KB swings simultaneusly.
Suicide run (markers at 10m, 20m, 30m)
Buddy carry 30m
50 KB swings (alternating between 24 kg and 28 kg)

Result: 2 rounds + suicide runs + buddy carries + 4 swings.

WOD2 - 3 rounds for time of
Ocean swim 50m
15 push ups
30 sit ups
45 air squats

Time: 9:55.

AWESOME stuff! I need to go to the beach more often. Next time more swimming, and I can definitely go harder on it too. Nice to know that my swimming has only gotten better from not swimming and only doing crossfit for 12 months.

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