onsdag den 25. juli 2012

25 July 2012

Snatch variations, c+j variations, short WOD.

8x2 hang snatch @ 50 kg.
Focused on getting speed under the bar. Did a couple of really good ones.

Snatch 1RM attempts.
70, 75, 80(F),  80(F),  80(F), 80(F), 80(F).
Still unable to stick the 80 kg snatch, but I was very close today. A bit faster under the bar than usual, but still not quite there. Video shows that I need to focus on keeping the chest up and then getting under the bar. I pull the bar way high enough, but half the time I lose it forward, the other half I'm just too slow to get under the bar.

EMOM full clean + jerk. aka. C+j-ing 1.65 tonnes in 15 mins.
5 mins of 2 reps @ 80 kg
5 mins of 1 rep @ 80 kg
5 mins of 1 rep @ 90 kg
Cleans were the limiting factor (because they were full cleans and not power). Stuck the jerks securely every time.

And then a small finisher (inspired by Brandt's Curls for the Girls WOD):

5 rounds for time of
7 ring dips
7 barbell curls @ 40 kg
7 toes-to-bar
Time: 5:08.
Rediculous workout, but good fun.

1 kommentar:

  1. Ser fornuftigt ud!
    Snatch: husk at trække med armene, og pas på du ikke slår stangen ud. Man kan især se det på dine hang snatches. Ellers nydeligt, fedt at se du har fået noget hastighed på! :)
    Clean: Få trukket igennem. kom helt ind under den i vendet og få albuerne godt op, så du kan komme hurtigt op ad hullet - det ser tungt ud med 90 kg! Og det er klart en begrænsende faktor for dine jerks.
    Jerks: Pas på du ikke kommer fremover - bliv på hælene!

    Ellers smukt - det går fremad! :)
