tirsdag den 24. juli 2012

24 July 2012

Tuesday: Double conditioning with the competition team.

WOD1 - Team CF Total II.
Three attempts to establish 1RM in OH squat, power clean and bench press. 40 minutes including warm up.
OH squat: 90, 100, 105 (F). Tied my PR. The 105 was very close, definitely within reach.
Power clean: 100, 105, 107.5. PR'ed by 2,5 kg. Felt like 110 was also possible so I'm very hapy about that.
Bench press: 110, 117.5, 120. Pr'ed by 2,5 kg. At my absolute limit on that one. Butt lifted from the bench but it still counts in CF :-)

Total: 100 + 107.5 + 120 = 327.5 kg.

WOD 2 - Track couplet.
4 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
15 c2b pull up

Time: 11:07. Did not do any butterfly c2b as I was afraid to get out of rythm and thus get overly tired. Kipping all the way, only able to go unbroken in the first round.

2 PRs today! So good to be back training with the comp team. Makes me a better crossfitter to train with them. And makes me confident that I will reach my needed progressions towards my oly lifting goals.

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