søndag den 29. juli 2012

29 July 2012

Beach day.

WOD - 2-man teams.
One partner works while other does a 2x30m sand shuttle run. Team must complete all reps at a station and then buddy carry 30m to the next station. Finish with a 90m buy out.

Station 1: 100 HR push up
30m buddy carry
Station 2: 150 sit up
30m buddy carry
Station 3: 200 ait squat
30m buddy carry
90m sand sprint

Time: 13:30

Then we did some swimming technique and I did 2x150m open water swim. Went really good, next time I will do same distance but increase speed (and time it).

REALLY sore in glutes, adductors and quads from squatting yesterday. Feels gooooooood.

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