søndag den 1. juli 2012

Old log

30 June

Max oly attempt, front squat, bench.

20 mins to establish 1RM snatch.
40, 40, 40, 50, 50, 50, 60, 60, 70, 70, 75(F), 75, 80(F), 80(F), 80(F), 70(F), 70(F), 80(F), 80(F), 80(F).
Felt like crap today, never really got a hold of the right technique. Was slow in the pull and unstable in the bottom. Got 80 kg way high enough many times but was unable to get under it. My technique went to shit efter a couple of 80 kg attempts so I brought it back down to 70 and went up again, but little did it matter, I never got it up. I am confident that I will make it soon, perhaps I need to be better rested and more mentally focused, but my main challenge is getting far enough under the bar. Everything else works fine. See film below.

Update: Realized as I was editing the film that I was working from the assumption that the PR I set last week was 77,5 kg, but it was only 75! So I tied my PR and my 6 80 kg attempts were in fact PR attempts by 5 kg and not 2,5 kg as I thought. Where's my head today!?

 20mins to establish 1RM c+j.
70, 70, 90, 90, 100(F), 100(F), 105(F), 95, 100(F), 105(F).
This was a complete mess. Started too heavy, so I never really got a good feeling of the bar. Way too many attempts at the snatch had also worn me out. Cleans were a mess, unable to get more than 100 kg in rack pos and failed the jerk which is ridiculous as I jerked 107,5 kg last week. Well, one should not cry over spilled milk. Moving on. I'll get it next week. See miserable film below.

5 front squat - 2s pause at bottom position.
70, 80, 80.
Pausing down there to get more comfortable for both clean and snatch purposes.

Front squat.
5x90, 2x100, 1x100.
F***ing shit.

Bench press.
5x70, 5x90, 5x90, 5x100, 5x100.

Miserable day today. But in retrospect cool to know that the 80 kg snatch is well within reach, only limited by speed under the bar.  Kind of not looking forward to the CF Total tomorrow. CNS is gonna be fried. Lots of fish oil and an afternoon on the couch will hopefully change that. 

29 June

Rest day. Unplanned, but was too exhausted after a week of travelling at work Mon, Wed and Fri. 

28 June 2012

Gymnastics, auxilliary exercises, clean and jerk variations.

Warm up: 5 x ( 30 DUs, 10 pull up, 10 push up, 10 sit up ).
Pull ups were surprisingly hard, hopefully it's just fatigue from Tuesday's interval running.

10 MU attempts.
Did not get a single one. Very disappointing.

100 hollow rocks.
20-20-15-15-15-15. Better than last time, better tension in butt.

Hip bridges 5x5 @ 90 kg.

Weighted pull ups + weighted dips 5 x (5 + 8) @ 20 kg.
Pull ups felt tough today, and actually so did dips. Sucks!

EMOM 20 mins
1 power clean and jerk @ 80 kg
5 c2b pull up

Hands tore after 6 rounds so I switched to 1 power clean 2 jerks every minute. Nice workout, got wider landing stance and quicker feet working well.

All in all not a good day at the gym :) Hopefully I'll be ready for max oly attempts tomorrow.

27 June 2012

Rest day.

26 June 2012

Squat volume, push press, interval running.

Squat 5x5 @ 115 kg.
Back on my linear progression (will stick to high bar from now on). Squats felt good, my lower back is getting stronger. I still need to focus on my ankle and hip ROM.

Push press 3RM.
Got 87,5 kg, thus adding 2,5 kg to it. Went for 90 kg once, but only got 1 rep, which makes for a new 1RM.

Interval running.
4 x 100 m hill sprint + walk back down
2 x suicide run + 20 push up + stair jumps
1 x 100 m hill spint, run back down + 500 m up and down hill run + 100 m hill buddy carry

Serious running volume, running to my absolute max in both the first and third running WOD due to great competition from Nikolaj Mainz. Nice to know that I am in the very top of the team on these kinds of wods in spite of my mass gains.

25 June 2012

Rest day (travelling all day).

24 June 2012

Snatch variation, press volume. Low volume, hanging with a buddy.

10x2 hang power snatch @ 50 kg, 60s break.

5x5 seated snatch grip behind neck shoulder press.
40, 40, 40, 50, 50.

5x5 narrow grip bench press @ 90 kg. 

Easy day, hanging with a friend so intensity was real low. Snatches were focused on getting the bar into the hip and getting under quickly. Felt good, although I felt the last couple of days in my lower back.

23 June 2012

C&J variations, Pull volume (pullup, rows, clean pull), conditioning.

Warm up: 2k row, 28-30-32-34 s/m pr 500m – drag factor 105.
Time: 7:10. Felt harder than the same at drag factor 115 two days ago, but that may be attributed to general fatigue.

20 mins to establish 1RM jerk.
40, 40, 40, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 60, 80, 80, 100, 100(F), 105, 107,5, 110(F).
Experimented with my grip with as I had an idea that a wider grip would reduce the distance the bar had to travel and would increase stability. Result is I am gonna try to work on changing my grip after the clean to accommodate a wider jerk grip. 100 failed because of close grip and 105 and 107,5 only happened due to the wider grip. Video below shows the jerks. I need to practice getting lower, landing my feet further apart.

Pendlay rows 5x5 @ 85 kg.
Working to strengthen my upper back between the shoulder blades. I'll go for 90 next time.

Pull up 5x5 @ 20 kg.
Grip was the bottle neck.

6x5 clean shrug @ 90 kg.
Need to go heavier next time.

EMOM 20 mins
Full clean @ 90 kg
3 box jumps, high box

Brandt's 'curls for the gurlz' WOD
7 rounds of
7 bar biceps curls @ 50 kg
7 ring dips


22 June 2012

Oly max attempt day.

20 mins to establish 1RM snatch.
40, 40, 50, 50, 60, 60, 60, 60, 70, 70, 72,5(F), 72,5(F), 75, 77,5(F), 77,5(F).
Felt a bit shaky to start out, maybe a bit too focused on getting the bar into the hip, so I actually forgot to fully extend, so I did a couple extra at 60 to dial it in. 70s felt good, still no full extension at the top. Both at 72,5 I got it plenty high but couldn't get under it. But I felt like it should be there and threw on 2,5kg more to go for 75. I really think this was my best snatch ever until now. Got the bar nice and high into the hip before exploding. Nice lift I think. See video below for most lifts.

20mins to establish 1RM c+j.
60, 60, 70, 70, 90, 90, 102,5(F), 102,5(F), 102,5, 105(F).
Felt good today, moved quickly to the PR attempt because I knew it would be there. The clean is weaker than the jerk but I failed at the jerk on the first 102,5 kg attempt because the bar hit my chin. The second attempt I was unfocused and threw the clean. Third attempt I got made it. Clean was only just there and the jerk was easy. See video below for most fo the lifts.

Front squat for 5RM and 3RM.
5RM: 90 kg (Improved by 10 kg from last week). 3RM: 100 kg (improved by 15 kg).
Need to work on ankle flex as I need my knees to frive more forward to not lose the tension in my back. Feeling stronger than ever though, so I'm happy.

21 June 2012

Rest day.

20 June 2012

Gymnastics, auxiliary exercises and a heavy EMOM WOD.

Was really looking forward due to the day off yesterday, so I was fired up (also downed a low carb Monster energy drink right before training to add extra craziness).

2k row @ drag factor 115. 500m @ 28 str/m, 500m @ 30 str/m, 500m at 32 str/m, 500m at 34 str/m.
Time: 7:20.

The row was very easy at first but the last 500m at pace 34 and a 500m split at around 1:40 took it's toll. Funny how much more interesting rowing got after the seminar on Sunday. Great stuff.

Skin the cat, 5x3. Focused on quality movement, slow and under control. I like the way it opens up the joints and really activates the core.

MU practice. Got 4 MUs in 15 minutes. Ridiculous. 

I don't know what has happened but I have certainly lost my MU-jo. The transition is what's the problem. I get high enough and when I get the transition the dip is obviously very easy. I attribute the problems to my added weight on the legs from doing a lot of spuatting the last couple of months. Well, there's nothing to do byt keep practicing a couple of times per week.

100 hollow rocks. Ouch. 

These were nasty! 20-15-10-10-10-10-10-10-5. Need to keep doing a lot of core work.

Hip bridges 4x5 @ 85 kg.

No problem here, feels like a really good posterior chain exercise. Lower back felt t i g h t afterwards, but it loosened up after a couple of minutes.

20 min EMOM
3 power cleans @ 80 kg

This one really tested me, mostly due to the completely shredded lower back and generaally my posterior chain. Did not miss a single power clean, but then again, they wern't too heavy, and the HSPUs were all kipped and all unbroken, except for two rounds where I lost my balance after the second rep and kicked directly back up for the third.

All in all a good day with lots of fun stuff. Feeling a bit tired now, but tomorrow is another rest day, so I'll be fine.

19 June 2012

Involuntary rest day due to extra stuff that needed to be done at work. Should have been double conditioning with the Butcher's Garage Competition Team. Annoying, but I guess my CNS is happy about it though :)

18 June 2012

Squat volume, press volume, snatch variations.

OH Press 5x5 62,5 kg, 90s rest between sets.
5-5-5-4-4. Really annoying that my press just does not go up. Will stick to pressing for 1 month then change to push presses come July. Shoulders felt tight during first set so I mobilized a bit and they were better. Note to self: mobilize properly! Agile 8!

Squat 5x5 @ 110 kg, 90s rest between sets. 
Starting back on the 5x5 LP once a week. Starting low to be gentle on the hip flexors. Not too much soreness today, still problems with the knees dropping in when I fatigue. Back feels really strong though, the 110 did not feel heavy (except for when I focused on 'knees out').

Halting snatch deadlift 6x2 @ 80 kg.
Focusing on really getting the bar into the hip on the top of the deadlift, pausing for 5 seconds, then back down. Good drill, needs a bit of getting used to. Nice to have time to focus on the 'knees out' part of the snatch pull.

Short conditioning:
5 rounds for time of
10 power snatch @ 50 kg
15 toes to bar

HSPUs unbroken. Snatches were 5-5 first round, then singles to avoid the concentric load. Focused on elbows up which gave a lot of extra lift. Nice. Toes to bar were horrible because my grip was fucked by the snatches. Good little metcon, I will probably feel it in my lower back tomorrow. Did not time it but beat Mikkel Brandt by a minute or so.

17 June 2012

Erg-rower seminar.

Did 2x200m sprint and some technique rowing. Safe to say I PR'ed my 200m. Will definitely row more in the future, would like to do a 5k just to really get the grip on efficient technique.

200m row 1: 36.8 seconds. Fell off the seat four times :)
200m row: 32.0 seconds. Stayed in the seat.

16 June 2012

Max oly day.

1RM Snatch. Only 3 attempts at each weight, after 2 successful attempts go to higher weight.
40, 40, 50, 50, 60, 60, 70, 70, 75(F), 75(F), 75(F).
Everything felt good and efficient so I decided to jump 5 kg from 70 to 75 which would be a PR by 2,5 kg. Failed all three, dropping the bar forward. The bar was way high enough, I just couldn't get under it. Video below shows one of the successful attempts at 70 kg and the three failed 75 kg attempts.

1RM C&J. Same rules.
60, 60, 80, 80, 90, 90, 95, 95, 100(F), 100, 100, 102,5(F), 102,5(F), 102,5(F).
All cleans were power cleans as my max power clean is 105 and my max clean is 95. Tied my PR, and failed the clean on all of the PR attempts. Same problem as the snatch, I get the bar high enough but can't get under it. Videos below show one of the successful 100 kg attempts and one of the failed 102,5 kg attempts.

Generally felt good today. Took my time with the lifts. Will get the snatch next time. Tied my PR for clean and jerk, but should be able to clean more than 100 kg (power clean PR: 105 kg). Probably had to do with my 5RM PR on the deadlift yesterday. I think my tendency to drop the weight on the cleans comes from lack of trust in my front squat and the bottom of my cleans, as the bar is way high enough. Need to focus more on front squats, full cleans and deadlifts going forward. Jerks felt easy, although it did press out my second 100 kg jerk :)

15 June 2012

Strength day.

Pendlay rows 5x5 @ 80
OH press 5x5 @ 60
Weighted pull up 5x5 @ 20
Weighted ring dips 5x5 @ 20
Lying rows w vest 3xME
Deadlift heavy 5: 70, 120, 140, 160, 160.

Felt good today, had been looking forward to just doing heavy sets of five. Had not deadlifted for a couple of months, felt stronger than usual, but did not push it. PR'ed 5RM by 10 kg. Need to do more DLs in the future. Did a couple of MUs for fun.

13 June 2012

Clean variations, supplementary exercises, snatch variations.

20 mins to establish 2RM TG power clean: 80 kg (power cleans).
Had trouble holding on to the bar after cleaning it which made the seconf rep kind of difficult. Also had trouble holding on to the bar due to tears across ring fnger on both hands.

Heavy single power clean: 100 kg.
Could have gotten more but I am feeling fatigued today and my grip is shot. I would think a 110 is possible on a good day, but I can't be sure until I do it :)

Back extensions in GHD rack: 4x8 unweighted.

Hang snatch doubles: did a lot of 40 kg and two 60 kg. On lighter weights I have a tendency to pause in the hip, so I was trying to be really aggressive and extend fully before pulling under. I feel like I am improving every time, albeit slowly!

Generally I felt fatigued today, probably need to switch my schedule around to have a rest day after the double metcon I have started doing every Tuesday with the competition team. I think I was equally fatigued Wednesday last week. Two in a row is a good indicator. 100% rest day tomorrow.

12 June 2012

Conditioning with the Butcher's Garage Competition Team.

WOD1 - skills test. Partner WOD. First man has 1 minute amrap at each station, then second man has 1 minute amrap and they move on to the next exercise. Six stations, 12 mins total, six minutes of work six minutes of breaks.

Ring dips: 36
HSPU: 19
DUs: 69
Thruster 70 kg: 7
Rope climbs: 4
Pistols: 8
Total: 143

Was quite happy with results, except for pistols. Two things bothered me: 1) I don't have the required range of motion in my ancles to get a good position in the bottom which causes me to either jump up too quickly or fall over backwards, and 2) my (very) sore right hip flexor kept me from getting any reps on my right leg.

WOD 2. For time:

800m run
5 runds of:
10 behind neck push press 50 kg
20 KB swings at 24 kg
30 DUs
800m run

Time: 19:56.

Overall a good day, I was a bit anxious about being fatigued due to the extra metcon we threw in yesterday, but my time was excellent compared to the other guys on the team. Feeling smashed now, maybe I'll move my rest day up from Thursday to Wednesday to recover from this. We will se in the morning.

11 June 2012

Snatch variations, squats, press and conditioning.

Smolov Jr. squats (week 2, day 3). 7x5 at 115 kg. Felt ok, hip flexors are still sore, knees kept dropping in on me. No muscle fatigue, just the sore flexors. Back feels strong.

OH press: 4x5 at 60 kg. Missed the last rep of the last set, but press felt stronger than usual.

Snatch off high blocks: 5x2 at 80% (60 kg). Felt good, got good speed, but failed to extend my hips fully on half of the reps. Like the exercise, will add more weight next time to force myself to have more speed shrugging under the bar. Video below shows the first set of block snatches.

Bench press, narrow grip: 5x1 at 110-117,5; 5x5 at 95-100 kg. Just having a bit of fun. Could have done 120 I think, but was not going for 1RM.

Conditioning, team WOD:
3 rounds, one athlete goes at a time, the other two rest, of:
Airdyne 20 calories
10 burpees
2x20m prowler push
15 toes-to-bar

A good day, felt like working out :) Went a bit over the top though, considering tomorrow is my high-volume conditioning day with two WODs on the competition team. Hip flexors are really getting sore, I am not sure whether to stop the high volume squatting or go through with the rest of the program. I'll keep at it for a while more, though.

8 June 2012

Gymnastics and BW.

Skin the cat: 5, 4, 3, 3
Felt ok, a lot of stress on the shoulders though. Tried to do back levers was (very) unsuccessful. Tried a coulpe of MUs, couldn't get a sigle one. Probably due to more bodyweight than usual and fatigued shoulders.

Bench press 3 x ME BW (85 kg): 12, 10, 8
Lying rows w weight vest 3 x ME: 12, 12, 11

3 rounds of:
15 lying rows
20 atomic sit ups
15 ring dips

Generally an OK day, feeling a bit fatigued though. No one to train with today, so not too motivated. Didn't get the adrenalin going so didn't push myself in any exercise. Hamstring and hip flexors feeling better, so I'm looking forward to squatting tomorrow.

7 June 2012

1RM Oly lifts and squats. 

1RM Snatch. Only 3 attempts at each weight, after 2 successful attempts go to higher weight.
I got 72,5 kg, PR by 2,5 kg, twice. Got the first, failed, then got the third attempt. Video below shosw the first attempt.

1RM C&J. Same rules.
Got 90 and could have gotten more, but shoulder joints felt like crap from a lot of overhead press, push press and HSPU earlier in the week so I stopped there. A bit disappointing, but it has been a nasty week on the shoulders. Will PR next Friday, I can feel it!

Smolov Jr. squats (week 2, day 2). 5 x7 at 107,5 kg. Felt ok, hip flexors are getting really sore, but form feels better and I enjoy the squatting more and more each time.

Finished off with Pendlay Rows for sets of 5. Weights: 60, 70, 80, 85, 80.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Att: 30/06: Move, Kris, move! Prøv at arbejde med at gå dybt på dine lette løft - både snatch og c&j. Så vænner du kroppen til at komme ordentligt under hver gang. Og så er du mere klar på de tunge vægte, da du tit griber dem i en shitty position.
    Weightlifting is an act of violence! Værsågod eksplosiv! :-)

  2. thx, good point, har netop noteret dette selv også. Jeg er ikke comfortable dernede, så det skal jeg helt sikkert arbejde med. Også at sidde i bunden af front squats, OH squats for at vende mig mere til det.
